検索結果- 日本語 - 英語
a carriage return (The action on a typewriter or printer that returns it to the beginning of the line)
a line feed (On a typewriter, the action of the carriage roller to push the page up one or more lines, often simultaneously with executing a carriage return)
Man'yōgana, the early Japanese syllabary using Chinese characters to represent Japanese sounds: the predecessor of hiragana and katakana
hentaigana: any of the hiragana made obsolete in Meiji-era reforms that enforced having one hiragana for each syllable
(orthography) the four kana pairs of じ/ジ, ず/ズ, ぢ/ヂ and づ/ヅ, the latter two of which represent historical morae that are now pronounced identically to the former two in most major dialects