Sentence quizzes to help you learn to speak
During the Olympic Games, the champion broke the world record in shot put.
Lors des Jeux olympiques, le champion a battu le record du monde au lancer du poids.
During the great hunt, the animal dashed quickly behind the bushes.
Lors de la grande chasse, l'animal abada rapidement derri�re les buissons.
After the session, she felt pain in her abdominal muscles.
Après la sance, elle ressentait une douleur dans ses muscles abdominales.
The chemicals clean the surface of the table effectively.
Les produits chimiques abluent la surface de la table efficacement.
After months of political pressure, the king finally announced his abdication.
Après des mois de pression politique, le roi a finalement annonc� son abdication.
After years of struggle, he finally decided to renounce his political beliefs.
Après des ann�es de lutte, il a finalement d�cid� d'abjurer ses croyances politiques.
The cruelty of his actions was an abjection that revolted the entire community.
La cruaut� de ses actes �tait une abjection qui r�voltait toute la communaut�.
In front of the court, the accused decided to abjure his false statements.
Devant le tribunal, l'accusé a d
u00e9 d'abjurer ses fausses d
The abolition of slavery marked an important milestone in the history of humanity.
L'abolition de l'esclavage a marqu une tape importante dans l'histoire de l'humanit.
After a long reflection, the wizard proceeded to the abjuration of his old beliefs.
Après une longue r�flexion, le sorcier a proc�d� � l'abjuration de ses anciennes croyances.