(animal husbandry) an accessory used to tightly attach two animals next to each other by the neck / (regional) a pair of something / (Canada) a couple of something, not to be mistaken as a few
(animal husbandry) an accessory used to tightly attach two animals next to each other by the neck / (regional) a pair of something / (Canada) a couple of something, not to be mistaken as a few
(animal husbandry) an accessory used to tightly attach two animals next to each other by the neck / (regional) a pair of something / (Canada) a couple of something, not to be mistaken as a few
Le fermier a utilisé un couple pour attacher les deux b extbackslashu0153ufs ensemble afin qu'ils puissent labourer le champ de mani extbackslashu00e8re coordonn extbackslashu00e9e.
The farmer used a yoke to attach the two oxen together so that they could plow the field in a coordinated manner.
The farmer used a yoke to attach the two oxen together so that they could plow the field in a coordinated manner.
Le fermier a utilisé un couple pour attacher les deux b extbackslashu0153ufs ensemble afin qu'ils puissent labourer le champ de mani extbackslashu00e8re coordonn extbackslashu00e9e.
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