最終更新日 :2024/07/25



indirect object marker: to / used to refer to the location of something or some action: in; at; on (not used in a positive equational sentence) / used to refer towards a location: to; toward / used to refer to accompaniment: with; together with; in company with / used to refer to a time period: at; on; in; during (of a year, month, day of the week, time of day, etc.) / used in comparisons: than / used to refer to a place of origin or where one comes from: from; of (usually with galing or tubo) / a prescribed point in time when something occurred: upon; on; at the time of / used to refer to the cause: due to; from; of / used to refer to the basis: on the basis of; on / used to refer to one's dependence on or use of: on; through the use of / used in combination with other words to form more specific prepositional phrases



indirect object marker: to / used to refer to the location of something or some action: in; at; on (not used in a positive equational sentence) / used to refer towards a location: to; toward / used to refer to accompaniment: with; together with; in company with / used to refer to a time period: at; on; in; during (of a year, month, day of the week, time of day, etc.) / used in comparisons: than / used to refer to a place of origin or where one comes from: from; of (usually with galing or tubo) / a prescribed point in time when something occurred: upon; on; at the time of / used to refer to the cause: due to; from; of / used to refer to the basis: on the basis of; on / used to refer to one's dependence on or use of: on; through the use of / used in combination with other words to form more specific prepositional phrases

indirect object marker: to / used to refer to the location of something or some action: in; at; on (not used in a positive equational sentence) / used to refer towards a location: to; toward / used to refer to accompaniment: with; together with; in company with / used to refer to a time period: at; on; in; during (of a year, month, day of the week, time of day, etc.) / used in comparisons: than / used to refer to a place of origin or where one comes from: from; of (usually with galing or tubo) / a prescribed point in time when something occurred: upon; on; at the time of / used to refer to the cause: due to; from; of / used to refer to the basis: on the basis of; on / used to refer to one's dependence on or use of: on; through the use of / used in combination with other words to form more specific prepositional phrases



Bibigyan ko ng regalo ang aking kaibigan sa kanyang kaarawan.


I will give my friend a gift on his birthday.

I will give my friend a gift on his birthday.


Bibigyan ko ng regalo ang aking kaibigan sa kanyang kaarawan.


  • 項目の編集権限を持つユーザー - すべてのユーザー
  • 項目の新規作成を審査する
  • 項目の編集を審査する
  • 項目の削除を審査する
  • 重複の恐れのある項目名の追加を審査する
  • 項目名の変更を審査する
  • 審査に対する投票権限を持つユーザー - 編集者
  • 決定に必要な投票数 - 1
  • 例文の編集権限を持つユーザー - すべてのユーザー
  • 例文の削除を審査する
  • 審査に対する投票権限を持つユーザー - 編集者
  • 決定に必要な投票数 - 1
  • 問題の編集権限を持つユーザー - すべてのユーザー
  • 審査に対する投票権限を持つユーザー - 編集者
  • 決定に必要な投票数 - 1

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