検索結果- ドイツ語 - 英語
city (large settlement) / town (settlement larger than a village) / city center (central business area of a city) / city, town, town council, city council (governing body of people elected to oversee management of a municipality)
nördlichste Stadt Italiens
the “northernmost city of Italy”, said of several cities in Germany, which are traditionally Catholic, have a relatively warm climate, and possess other qualities associated with Italy by stereotype:; Munich, due to its relaxed and elegant life-style; / the “northernmost city of Italy”, said of several cities in Germany, which are traditionally Catholic, have a relatively warm climate, and possess other qualities associated with Italy by stereotype:; Regensburg, due to its mediaeval architecture and winding lanes; / the “northernmost city of Italy”, said of several cities in Germany, which are traditionally Catholic, have a relatively warm climate, and possess other qualities associated with Italy by stereotype:; Cologne, due to its inhabitants’ proverbial sociability, liveliness, and lack of discipline and work ethics.