検索結果- ドイツ語 - 英語
table (a piece of furniture with a relatively deep surface at roughly waist or knee level); specific uses include:; dining table, dinner table / table (a piece of furniture with a relatively deep surface at roughly waist or knee level); specific uses include:; desk (table used for writing) / table (a piece of furniture with a relatively deep surface at roughly waist or knee level); specific uses include:; bench, workbench (table at which manual work is done) / meal (food served or eaten as a repast)
über den Tisch ziehen
(colloquial) to deceive, to rip off, to swindle, to take advantage (of someone)
ist die Katze aus dem Haus, tanzen die Mäuse auf dem Tisch
when the cat's away the mice will play
(chiefly Austria, Eastern Germany, Northern Germany) joiner (wooden furniture manufacturer)