検索結果- フランス語 - 英語
Abbreviation of centre hospitalier. (lit. hospital center) / HC (“hockey club”); Initialism of club de hockey. / HC (“hockey club”); Initialism of club de hockey.; Abbreviation of club de hockey sur glace.
hp (horsepower); Abbreviation of cheval-vapeur. / rm. (room); Abbreviation of chambre. / Abbreviation of chemin.
field in its various senses, including:; a wide open space / field in its various senses, including:; an area of study / field in its various senses, including:; a vector field, tensor field, or scalar field (but not a commutative ring with identity for which every nonzero element has a multiplicative inverse, cf. corps) / field in its various senses, including:; the background of a shield's design / field in its various senses, including:; field in its various senses, including