検索結果- フランス語 - 英語
faire la loi
(informal, figuratively) to call the shots, to call the tune, to rule the roost (to be the one who makes the rules, to be the one who decides)
lâcher la grappe
(transitive with à) (informal) to get off someone's back, to leave someone alone
voler la vedette
(transitive with à) to steal someone's thunder, to steal the show from someone, to steal the limelight from someone
épater la galerie
(informal) to impress the audience, to impress people, to cause a sensation
prendre la température
to take someone's temperature, to measure the temperature of someone / to test the water; to sound out, to gauge, to put out feelers
boire la tasse
(informal) to swallow involuntarily a mouthful of water when swimming / (informal) to go under, to lose a lot of money
redresser la barre
(figuratively) to right the ship, to put things right, to get back on track