検索結果- ポルトガル語(ポルトガル、ブラジル) - 英語
Third-person singular possessive pronoun. his; her; its / Third-person plural possessive pronoun. their; theirs / Second-person singular possessive pronoun. your; yours (when using the second-person pronoun você) / Second-person plural possessive pronoun. your; yours (when using the second-person pronoun vocês) / you (used before epithets for emphasis)
perder o seu latim
(idiomatic) to waste time attempting to explain something to somebody who doesn’t understand or doesn’t desire to / (idiomatic) to be forced to do/say something without getting a result
à frente de seu tempo
(idiomatic) ahead of one's time (in advance of commonly accepted ideas)
cada qual com seu cada qual
to each his own (everyone is entitled to their personal preferences)
a cada um o que é seu
to each his own (every person is entitled to his or her personal preferences)
basta a cada dia o seu mal
sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof (today has provided enough to worry about)