検索結果- ポルトガル語(ポルトガル、ブラジル) - 英語
sign; mark; trace (a visible or otherwise perceivable indication of something) / sign; mark; trace (a visible or otherwise perceivable indication of something); mark (a blemish, stain, scratch, scar or similar on a surface, especially on the skin) / signal (a visual or audible indication made to give notice of some occurrence, command or danger); sign; gesture (a motion of the hands or body used to express something); sign (a linguistic unit of a sign language) / signal (a visual or audible indication made to give notice of some occurrence, command or danger); sign; gesture (a motion of the hands or body used to express something); name sign; sign name (a sign-language sign that identifies a person) / signal (a visual or audible indication made to give notice of some occurrence, command or danger); sign; gesture (a motion of the hands or body used to express something)
sinal de trânsito
traffic light (set of lights indicating when it is safe to cross a street)
sinal de Romaña
Romana's sign (periorbital swelling associated with the acute stage of Chagas' disease)
sinal de pontuação
(orthography) punctuation mark (symbol that aids understanding and correct reading of text)