検索結果- ポルトガル語(ポルトガル、ブラジル) - 英語
illness; disease; ailment (an abnormal medical condition) / illness; disease (a state of bad health) / illness; disease (abnormal condition or attitude)
doença celíaca
coeliac disease (auto-immune disease characterised by sensitivity of the lining of the small intestine to gluten)
doença venérea
(pathology) venereal disease (contagious disease spread through sexual intercourse)
doença de Alzheimer
(neurology, pathology) Alzheimer's disease (neurodegenerative disease causing dementia)
doença sexualmente transmitida
(pathology) sexually transmitted disease (disease contracted through sexual contact)
doença de descompressão
decompression sickness (condition resulting from the formation of nitrogen bubbles in the blood)
doença de Chagas
(pathology) Chagas' disease (form of trypanosomiasis prevalent in South America)
doença de Addison
(pathology) Addison's disease (a disorder in which the adrenal glands fail to produce a sufficient quantity of steroids)