検索結果- ポルトガル語(ポルトガル、ブラジル) - 英語
mutt (a dog of mixed breed) / stray (dog that lives at large, without an owner) / mongrel (person of mixed race) / a person who dislikes his own country and culture and/or prefers what is foreign (especially American). This term originated from Nelson Rodrigues' description of Mongrel Complex (Complexo de Vira-lata), the people's tendency to view their own country in a negative way
complexo de vira-lata
(Brazil) the national inferiority complex of Brazil; the conscious or subconscious belief among some Brazilians that the society, culture, people and government of Brazil are inherently inferior
síndrome de vira-lata
the belief, held by a Brazilian, that Brazil is inferior to other countries