検索結果- ポーランド語 - 英語
(reflexive) to become / (reflexive) to happen, to bechance (used only in 3rd person, non-personal)
(intransitive) to stand (to remain motionless in a vertical position) / (intransitive) to be (about position of the object) / (intransitive) to stop (about not working mechanism) / (intransitive) to stagnate
(intransitive) used to express the ability to bear the costs; to be able to afford / (intransitive) used to capability; to be capable of
stać na przeszkodzie
(intransitive, idiomatic) to get in the way, to stand in the way [+dative]
stać na stanowisku
(intransitive, idiomatic) to be in a position, to be of the opinion that, to maintain that
stać na rozdrożu
(intransitive, idiomatic) to hesitate, to waver (to feel or show indecision)
stać na rozstaju
(intransitive, idiomatic) to hesitate, to waver (to feel or show indecision)