頻出句動詞150 / 英訳 / 4択問題 - 未解答
get out
get out
出る, ...から出す,から逃げ出す《of ...》
【発音記号】gɛt aʊt
【1】 Leave a container (vehicle, room, building) or make somebody/something leave a container (75.5%)
【1】コンテナ(車両、部屋、建物)を離れる、または誰か/何かにコンテナを離れさせる (75.5%)
【1】 These prisoners have no hope of ever getting out of jail.
pay off
pay off
【句動】を完済する / 実を結ぶ,報われる
【発音記号】peɪ ɔf
【1】 Pay the complete amount of something (49%)
【1】 It will take a dozen years for him to pay off his debts.
【2】 Pay back the effort spent in doing something by becoming profitable or effective (48.5%)
【2】 All the hard work will pay off in the end.
put back
put back
【発音記号】pʊt bæk
【1】 Move something/somebody to a place, position, or state they were in before (85.5%)
【1】 Could you put the milk back in the fridge please?
show up
show up
【発音記号】ʃoʊ ʌp
【1】 Make an appearance at a social or professional gathering (81%)
【1】 She didn’t show up at the meeting.
hang up
hang up
【発音記号】hæŋ ʌp
【1】 Finish a conversation on the telephone by putting the receiver down or switching the phone off (76.5%)
【1】 He hung up the phone without letting her answer his question.
break out
break out
【発音記号】breɪk aʊt
【1】 Start suddenly, esp. something undesirable and unpleasant (69.5%)
【1】 Riots broke out that night.
set up
set up
を設置する / を用意する
【発音記号】sɛt ʌp
【1】 Establish or create something; arrange for something to happen or exist (64.5%)
【1】 An advisory committee is being set up.
【2】 Place something in a particular spot or position (16.5%)
【2】特定の場所や位置に何かを置く (16.5%)
【2】 We need to set up a few more chairs so everyone can sit down.
take off
take off
を脱ぐ / 急に場所を離れる / 地面を離れて上昇する,離陸する
【発音記号】teɪk ɔf
【1】 Remove something (esp. piece of clothing or jewellery from one’s body) (41%)
【1】脱ぐ (41%)
【1】 I took off my shirt and went to bed
【2】 Leave a place, especially suddenly (28.5%)
【2】 They jumped into the car and took off
【3】 Leave the ground and rise into the air (14%)
【3】 The plane took off at 7am.
take off
を脱ぐ / 急に場所を離れる / 地面を離れて上昇する,離陸する
move back
move back
【発音記号】muv bæk
【1】 Return to a place one has lived in before (75%)
【1】以前住んでいた場所に戻る (75%)
【1】 We moved back to New York last year
cut off
cut off
【句動】を切り落とす,切り離す / をさえぎる / の提供を終える,の供給を断つ
【発音記号】kʌt ɔf
【1】 Remove a part of something by cutting it (27%)
【1】切って何かの一部を取り除く (27%)
【1】 Take the carrots and cut the ends off
【2】 Interrupt somebody as they are speaking (24.5%)
【2】 The teacher cut off the student in the middle of her sentence
【3】 End the provision of something, or be deprived of a provision (supply, money) (23.5%)
【3】何かの提供を終える、または提供を奪われる(供給、お金) (23.5%)
【3】 The government decided to cut off food supplies.
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