検索結果- ドイツ語 - 英語
(transitive) to drink (to drink liquids (in bottles, glasses, etc.) by mouth) / (intransitive) to drink, to imbibe (to consume alcoholic beverages) / (intransitive) to drink; to toast (engage in a salutation (of someone), accompanying the raising of glasses while drinking alcohol) / (reflexive) to drink one's fill; to drink to satiety
gerund of trinken; drinking (consumption of liquids) / gerund of trinken; drinking (alcohol abuse) / gerund of trinken; something to drink, a beverage
über den Durst trinken
(idiomatic) to drink more (usually alcohol) than is appropriate (usually accompanied by einen or some measure such as ein paar Gläser)
Wasser predigen und Wein trinken
(idiomatic) To preach water and drink wine; to fail to practice what one preaches.