検索結果- フランス語 - 英語
to arrive (often followed by a location) / to happen (unlike other translations of happen, can be used with an indirect object to specify something/somebody affected by the action; it may also be used with a relative clause in the subjunctive) / to cope, to manage / to be able to, to manage (to do something successfully) / to obtain a level of success or fame
arriver à la cheville
(figuratively, informal, followed by the preposition de) to hold a candle to, to measure up to
arriver à ses fins
to get one's way, to have one's way, to achieve one's goals, to achieve one's ends
arriver à bon port
(figuratively) to arrive safe and sound, to reach one's destination safely
arriver après la bataille
(figuratively) to come a day after the fair, to close the stable door after the horse has bolted
arriver comme les carabiniers
(simile) to come a day after the fair, to close the stable door after the horse has bolted