検索結果- ポルトガル語(ポルトガル、ブラジル) - 英語
The eighth letter of the Portuguese alphabet, called agá and written in the Latin script.; silent letter used mainly in words derived from Latin, Greek and other Romance languages; word-initial only; (chiefly obsolete) silent letter used word-medially in loanwords / The eighth letter of the Portuguese alphabet, called agá and written in the Latin script.; silent letter used mainly in words derived from Latin, Greek and other Romance languages; word-initial only; (obsolete except in given names) used in the Hellenistic digraphs th, ph and rh / The eighth letter of the Portuguese alphabet, called agá and written in the Latin script.; silent letter used mainly in words derived from Latin, Greek and other Romance languages; word-initial only; (obsolete except in given names) used in words perceived to be Hellenisms
Abbreviation of hora.; used to indicate time in relation to a 24-hour clock / Abbreviation of hora.; used to indicate any sequence of time in hours
h mudo
(linguistics) mute h (word-initial use of the letter h in the French language which allows liaison)
h aspirado
(linguistics) aspirated h (in the French language usage of the letter h at the start of a word which does not allow liaison with a preceding consonant)
hora H
(informal) H-hour; a decisive, crucial, exact or opportune moment / (Brazil, euphemistic) the moment of sex or (more specifically) the orgasm