検索結果- ポルトガル語(ポルトガル、ブラジル) - 英語
(sometimes takes a reflexive pronoun, intransitive, or transitive with de) to stand up; to get up (to rise from a lying, sitting or fallen position) / (transitive) to raise; to get someone up (to cause someone or something to stand up) / (intransitive or takes a reflexive pronoun) to get up (to get out of bed after waking up) / (transitive) to lift; to raise (to put into a higher position) / (transitive) to raise (to cause to have a higher value) / (figurative, takes a reflexive pronoun, intransitive, or transitive with de) to get up (to recover from a setback) / (transitive) to raise (to collect or levy) / (transitive) to build; to erect (to create a building) / (transitive) to raise; to put forth (to cause to arise; to create) / (takes a reflexive pronoun, intransitive, or transitive with contra) to revolt (against); to rebel (against) (to start a rebellion) / (ditransitive, with the indirect object taking contra) to incite (to provoke into rebellion)
levantar do lado errado da cama
(idiomatic) to get up on the wrong side of the bed (to feel irritable without a particular reason)