検索結果- ポーランド語 - 英語
wszystkie ręce na pokład
(idiomatic) all hands on deck (call for everyone to participate in something)
głodnemu chleb na myśli
(idiomatic) someone who wants something will not stop thinking nor talking about that given thing / (humorous, idiomatic) Used in response to a Freudian slip to imply that the interlocutor deeply desires the thing they accidentally said.
żyć na kocią łapę
(intransitive, colloquial, humorous, idiomatic) to shack up [+ z (instrumental) = with whom]
musi to na Rusi
(idiomatic, colloquial) Ellipsis of musi to na Rusi, a w Polsce jak kto chce.
pan na zagrodzie równy wojewodzie
(historical, idiomatic) every member of the szlachta (Polish nobility) has equal rights, regardless of his wealth / (derogatory, idiomatic) an Englishman's home is his castle, a man's home is his castle (an owner can do whatever he wants with his property, disregarding the opinion of others)
tłumaczyć jak krowie na rowie
(transitive, idiomatic, simile) to explain in extremely simple terms