検索結果- 日本語 - 英語
a higher dimension, a higher order / high level; meta- / (mathematics) higher order; higher degree
induction: deriving information from a set of observations / when choosing a name, a form of fortune-telling for a given name based on kanji with similar sounds / collecting, gathering
to induce: to derive information from a set of observations / when choosing a name, to tell the fortune for a given name based on kanji with similar sounds / to collect, to gather
公人: public character / 後人: posterity; future generations / 工人: workman; laborer; craftsman; artisan
koji: a substance that is produced by letting a mold, especially Aspergillus oryzae, grow on rice, barley, soybeans, etc., used to make fermented products such as sake, amazake, miso, and soy sauce