頻出句動詞150 / リスニング問題 - 未解答
put out
put out
【発音記号】pʊt aʊt
【1】 Make something known or accessible to the public (information, products) (47%)
【1】 Police have put out a warning about thieves in the area.
【2】 Stop something from burning or shining (14%)
【2】燃えたり光ったりしているものを止める (14%)
【2】 The fire has finally been put out
【3】 Place something somewhere in order for it to be seen or used (10%)
【3】見たり使ったりするためにどこかに置いておく (10%)
【3】 I’ve put out some glasses and a bottle of wine.
pull out
pull out
【発音記号】pʊl aʊt
【1】 Take something/somebody out of a container, thing or place (75%)
【1】容器、物、場所から何か/誰かを取り出す (75%)
【1】 He reached in his pocket and pulled out a gun.
hand over
hand over
【発音記号】hænd ˈoʊvər
【1】 Give something to somebody by holding it in one’s hand and offering it to them (58.5%)
【1】 She turned around to hand over her keys to her husband.
【2】 Surrender control or responsibility for something/somebody to somebody else, esp. officially (41.5%)
【2】 The government isn’t willing to hand over power to local authorities.
set about
set about
【発音記号】sɛt əˈbaʊt
【1】 Begin a course of action, usually with a specific purpose/objective in mind (97%)
【1】 We set about laying the table before our guests arrived.
check out
check out
【発音記号】ʧɛk aʊt
【1】 Have a look at; examine something/somebody (esp. to get more information or make a judgement) (97%)
【1】見てみる、調べてみる (97%)
【1】 Check out our website for more information.
check out
【句動】をよく調べる,を見てみる /(図書館などから)...を借りる / (ホテルなどから)支払いをして引き払う / (レジ係が)精算する / (急いで)出発する
set out
set out
【発音記号】sɛt aʊt
【1】 Start doing or working on something, esp. with a particular goal in mind (42.5%)
【1】目標を持って何かを始めたり、取り組んだりしている (42.5%)
【1】 I set out to discover the truth behind the story.
【2】 Start a journey (26.5%)
【2】 We set out for San Francisco on the following day.
【3】 Explain or present something clearly, esp. officially and in writing (16%)
【3】 The official recommendations were set out in the document
set out
《...を》始める,着手する《on ... / to do》 / 《...に向かって》出発する《for ...》 / をきちんと説明する
keep up
keep up
【発音記号】kip ʌp
【1】 Move, progress or increase at the same rate or pace as somebody/something (46%)
【1】誰か/何かと同じ速度またはペースで動く、進歩する、または増加する (46%)
【1】 Workers’ income has not kept up with inflation
【2】 Make something continue (32.5%)
【2】 This is amazing; keep up the good work!
keep up
《...に》遅れずについていく, 《...と》同じ割合で増える《with ...》/ を続ける,を維持する
get up
get up
【発音記号】gɛt ʌp
【1】 Rise or cause to rise after lying in bed or sitting/kneeling (92%)
【1】ベッドに横になったり、座ったり跪いたりした後に起き上がったり、起き上がらせたりする (92%)
【1】 She got up out of her chair and put on her shoes.
wind up
wind up
【発音記号】wɪnd ʌp
【1】 End up in a particular situation, condition or place, esp. an unpleasant one (87%)
【1】特定の状況、状態、場所で終わる、特に不快なもの (87%)
【1】 They wound up having to pay off his debts.
wind up
【句動】(意に反して)結局...することになる《doing》, 最後には…に至る
make out
make out
【発音記号】meɪk aʊt
【1】 See or hear with difficulty (60.5%)
【1】 I could barely make out his face in the dark.
【2】 Represent as being a particular way, esp. falsely (11%)
【2】 He was innocent, but the media made him out to be a criminal.
【3】 (Make it out) Deal with a difficult situation successfully (10.5%)
【3】 We were lucky to make it out of the war alive.
make out
《...に》仕立て上げる,《人が...であると》もっともらしく言う(見せる)《to be》
うまく...を出る《make it out of ...》
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