頻出句動詞150 / リスニング問題 - 未解答
take in
take in
【発音記号】teɪk ɪn
【1】 Provide a place for somebody to live or stay (24.5%)
【1】 The family took her in when she was abandoned by her parents.
【2】 Fully understand or grasp the meaning of something (17.5%)
【2】 You have to explain more thoroughly; it’s too difficult to take in.
【3】 Deceive by behaving in a dishonest way (10%)
【3】 He was very convincing, so I was easily taken in.
take in
bring up
bring up
【発音記号】brɪŋ ʌp
【1】 Raise for discussion or consideration (59.5%)
【1】 I didn’t think he would bring up the subject.
【2】 Care for/be responsible for a child until it becomes an adult (17.5%)
【2】 She brought up her children under very difficult circumstances.
wake up
wake up
【発音記号】weɪk ʌp
【1】 Become (or make somebody become) conscious again after being asleep (92%)
【1】眠りから覚めるようになる(させる) (92%)
【1】 I was so tired that I woke up at 10 this morning.
stand out
stand out
【発音記号】stænd aʊt
【1】 Distinguish oneself/itself by being better, more significant or more impressive than other people/things (60.5%)
【1】 Excellent product quality is what made the brand stand out from its competitors.
【2】 Be easily seen or noticeable (38%)
【2】 Flashing lights make planes stand out at night.
put up
put up
【発音記号】pʊt ʌp
【1】 Display or attach something (e.g. to a wall) so it can be seen (23%)
【1】見えるように表示したり、取り付けたりする(壁など) (23%)
【1】 They put up a few posters on the wall.
【2】 (+ with) Be willing to accept something unpleasant or not desirable; tolerate (19%)
【2】(+with) 不快なことや好ましくないことを喜んで受け入れる; 大目に見る (19%)
【2】 I won’t put up with your bad behaviour for much longer
【3】 Build or place something somewhere (18%)
【3】どこかに何かを建てる、または置く (18%)
【3】 They’re putting up a new fence after the previous one fell apart
blow up
blow up
【発音記号】bloʊ ʌp
【1】 Explode or destroy something with a bomb, or cause to be exploded or destroyed (75.5%)
【1】 Several attempts were made at blowing up official buildings.
get off
get off
【発音記号】gɛt ɔf
【1】 Go away from, leave (train, bus, aircraft, lift) (54%)
【1】立ち去る、離れる(電車、バス、飛行機、リフト) (54%)
【1】 You need to take the bus and get off at the third stop
【2】 (Get off to a ... start) Begin something in a certain way (12.5%)
【2】 The team has got off to a good start this season.
【3】 Manage to avoid serious trouble or consequences (esp. legal punishment) (12%)
【3】 It’s not right that he could commit such a crime and get off so easily.
go back
go back
【発音記号】goʊ bæk
【1】 Return to a place, time, situation, activity, conversation topic. (90%)
【1】 He washed the dishes and went back to his room.
set off
set off
【発音記号】sɛt ɔf
【1】 Start on a trip or journey (30.5%)
【1】 We will finish packing and set off in the morning.
【2】 Cause a device to explode, or a signal to start, esp. by accident (27.5%)
【2】 He accidentally set off my car alarm.
【3】 Make something happen or emerge, esp. without intending to (25.5%)
【3】 Employees started to protest, setting off a dispute over workers’ rights.
hold back
hold back
【発音記号】hoʊld bæk
【1】 Decide not to do or say something (23.5%)
【1】 They should not hold back from joining us if they want to.
【2】 Prevent somebody/something from reaching their full potential (21%)
【2】 You cannot let a few unmotivated pupils hold back the rest of the group
【3】 Prevent somebody/something from going somewhere (17.5%)
【3】 Security guards tried to hold back the crowd.
【4】 Contain an unwanted physical manifestation (tears, laughter, sigh, sneeze) (16%)
【4】 She was holding back the laughter with great effort.
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