頻出句動詞150 / リスニング問題 - 未解答
break out
break out
【発音記号】breɪk aʊt
【1】 Start suddenly, esp. something undesirable and unpleasant (69.5%)
【1】 Riots broke out that night.
come in
come in
【発音記号】kʌm ɪn
【1】 Enter a place or area (room, building) (65%)
【1】 She opened the door and he came in.
【2】 Become involved in a situation (14%)
【2】 We need experts to come in and give us advice.
take down
take down
【発音記号】teɪk daʊn
【1】 Remove something that was previously put up or put in place (38.5%)
【1】 After the exhibition, they took the paintings down.
【2】 Destroy, kill, or disable (27.5%)
【2】 The terrorists tried to take down the President's plane.
【3】 Take somebody to a place, esp. further south or at a lower level (18%)
【3】 My dad decided to take us down to Florida.
put down
put down
【発音記号】pʊt daʊn
【1】 Place something/somebody on the floor or on a flat surface (62%)
【1】床や平らな場所に何か/誰かを置く (62%)
【1】 She put down her glass and left the bar.
blow up
blow up
【発音記号】bloʊ ʌp
【1】 Explode or destroy something with a bomb, or cause to be exploded or destroyed (75.5%)
【1】 Several attempts were made at blowing up official buildings.
set about
set about
【発音記号】sɛt əˈbaʊt
【1】 Begin a course of action, usually with a specific purpose/objective in mind (97%)
【1】 We set about laying the table before our guests arrived.
grow up
grow up
【発音記号】groʊ ʌp
【1】 Gradually advance in age and maturity (98%)
【1】 Seeing my kids growing up is such a lovely thing
fill out
fill out
【発音記号】fɪl aʊt
【1】 Complete a form or official document (81.5 %)
【1】 We had to fill out a dozen forms in total.
hold up
hold up
【発音記号】hoʊld ʌp
【1】 Hold something in a high position (e.g. above one’s waist or head), so it can be seen or reached(54%)
【1】 The professor held up the picture so everyone could see it.
【2】 Remain strong or in a fairly good condition after a bad period or the wear of time (person, business, device) (14%)
【2】悪い時期や時間の摩耗の後も、強い状態やかなり良い状態を維持している(人・事業・装置) (14%)
【2】 These are really old shoes but they’re holding up quite well.
【3】 Delay or prevent the progression of something/somebody (11.5%)
【3】 We were held up by heavy traffic.
hold up
を掲げる / (良い状態で)持ちこたえる / を遅らせる,を阻む / 強盗する
come out
come out
【発音記号】kʌm aʊt
【1】 Leave a place (room, building, container) or appear from it.(38%)
【1】 She went into the bank and came out with some money.
【2】 Become known or revealed after being kept secret (13.5%)
【2】 The news came out that he was leaving the team.
【3】 (Come out and do something) Make public knowledge a privately held position (11.5%)
【3】 People need to come out and say what they think about it.
【4】 Become available or released to the public (film, record, book) (10%)
【4】 Their new album is coming out next month.
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