頻出句動詞150 / リスニング問題 - 未解答
pull up
pull up
【発音記号】pʊl ʌp
【1】 Stop or cause a vehicle to stop (47%)
【1】車両を停止させる、または停止させる (47%)
【1】 A van pulled up in front of them.
【2】 Move something/somebody from a lower position to a higher one; lift from the ground (35.5%)
【2】何かを低い位置から高い位置に移動させる;地面から持ち上げる (35.5%)
【2】 She pulled up her scarf to cover her cold face.
get through
get through
【発音記号】gɛt θru
【1】 (+ to) Succeed in reaching a physical destination or stage (27%)
【1】(+to) 物理的な目的地やステージに到達することに成功した(27%)
【1】 The food supplies never got through to the local population.
【2】 Be successfully communicated or understood (22.5%)
【2】 He needed to speak slowly and clearly so his message would get through to the audience.
【3】 Succeed in contacting somebody on the telephone (20.5%)
【3】 I cannot seem to get through to the customer service department
【4】 Overcome something, esp. difficult or unpleasant (14.5%)
【4】困難なことや不快なことを克服する (14.5%)
【4】 He gave me useful advice, which helped me get through this difficult situation.
get through
【句動】《...に》うまく届く,をうまく送り届ける《to ...》 / 《...に》(困難だが)なんとか理解される《to ...》,《Bに》Aをなんとか理解させる《A through to B》/ 《...に》連絡がつく《to ...》/ (困難など)を乗り越える
【句動】《...に》うまく届く,をうまく送り届ける《to ...》
《...に》(困難だが)なんとか理解される《to ...》,《Bに》Aをなんとか理解させる《A through to B》
《...に》連絡がつく《to ...》
cut off
cut off
【発音記号】kʌt ɔf
【1】 Remove a part of something by cutting it (27%)
【1】切って何かの一部を取り除く (27%)
【1】 Take the carrots and cut the ends off
【2】 Interrupt somebody as they are speaking (24.5%)
【2】 The teacher cut off the student in the middle of her sentence
【3】 End the provision of something, or be deprived of a provision (supply, money) (23.5%)
【3】何かの提供を終える、または提供を奪われる(供給、お金) (23.5%)
【3】 The government decided to cut off food supplies.
look around
look around
【発音記号】lʊk əˈraʊnd
【1】 Examine a place or one’s surroundings so as to view what it might contain or look for a particular thing (100%)
【1】何が含まれているかを見るために場所や周囲を調べたり、特定のものを探したりする (100%)
【1】 They entered the shop and looked around but nobody was there
bring back
bring back
【発音記号】brɪŋ bæk
【1】 Make something/somebody return to a place, state, situation, or conversation topic (52.5%)
【1】 This will bring back war into the country.
【2】 Bring something one has taken from a place they come from (22.5%)
【2】 This is the hat he brought back from South America.
come out
come out
【発音記号】kʌm aʊt
【1】 Leave a place (room, building, container) or appear from it.(38%)
【1】 She went into the bank and came out with some money.
【2】 Become known or revealed after being kept secret (13.5%)
【2】 The news came out that he was leaving the team.
【3】 (Come out and do something) Make public knowledge a privately held position (11.5%)
【3】 People need to come out and say what they think about it.
【4】 Become available or released to the public (film, record, book) (10%)
【4】 Their new album is coming out next month.
move back
move back
【発音記号】muv bæk
【1】 Return to a place one has lived in before (75%)
【1】以前住んでいた場所に戻る (75%)
【1】 We moved back to New York last year
come back
come back
【発音記号】kʌm bæk
【1】 Return to a place or a conversation topic (96.5%)
【1】 She came back to the kitchen with a bottle of fancy wine.
back up
back up
【発音記号】bæk ʌp
【1】 Move or drive backwards a short way (26%)
【1】 He got into his car and backed up out of the alley.
【2】 Take action in order to support something or make it happen (21%)
【2】 Politicians often fail to back up their words with actions.
【3】 Establish as valid or genuine (20.5%)
【3】 You have to back up your accusations with solid evidence.
back up
【名/U】予備 / 支援,応援 / 渋滞【形】予備の / 支援の / 非常用の【句動】後退する;を後退させる / を支援する,を後援する / 裏付ける, の裏付けをする/〜を渋滞させる
裏付ける, の裏付けをする
make out
make out
【発音記号】meɪk aʊt
【1】 See or hear with difficulty (60.5%)
【1】 I could barely make out his face in the dark.
【2】 Represent as being a particular way, esp. falsely (11%)
【2】 He was innocent, but the media made him out to be a criminal.
【3】 (Make it out) Deal with a difficult situation successfully (10.5%)
【3】 We were lucky to make it out of the war alive.
make out
《...に》仕立て上げる,《人が...であると》もっともらしく言う(見せる)《to be》
うまく...を出る《make it out of ...》
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