頻出句動詞150 / リスニング問題 - 未解答
break off
break off
【発音記号】breɪk ɔf
【1】 Separate a part (or become separate) from a larger piece (40%)
【1】 He accidentally broke off a piece of wood from the fence.
【2】 Stop speaking, especially suddenly (28%)
【2】 “There is something that…” He broke off abruptly.
【3】 Put an end to something (relationship, discussion, talks, negotiations) (24%)
【3】何かに終止符を打つ(関係、話し合い、協議、交渉) (24%)
【3】 They broke off diplomatic relations in 1986.
break off
【句動】はずれる,取れる,を折り取る,をちぎり取る / 急に話をやめる, (会話)を急にやめる / (関係・同盟・交渉など)を絶つ,を解消する,を打ち切る
急に話をやめる, (会話)を急にやめる
check out
check out
【発音記号】ʧɛk aʊt
【1】 Have a look at; examine something/somebody (esp. to get more information or make a judgement) (97%)
【1】見てみる、調べてみる (97%)
【1】 Check out our website for more information.
check out
【句動】をよく調べる,を見てみる /(図書館などから)...を借りる / (ホテルなどから)支払いをして引き払う / (レジ係が)精算する / (急いで)出発する
pick out
pick out
【発音記号】pɪk aʊt
【1】 Choose somebody/something among a number of alternatives (71.5%)
【1】 She picked out the best-looking dress she could find.
【2】 Detect/be noticed among a group of things or people (19%)
【2】物や人の集団の中で発見したり、気づかれたりする (19%)
【2】 My mum could easily be picked out in the picture.
grow up
grow up
【発音記号】groʊ ʌp
【1】 Gradually advance in age and maturity (98%)
【1】 Seeing my kids growing up is such a lovely thing
come along
come along
【発音記号】kʌm əˈlɔŋ
【1】 Appear or arrive; come into existence (72.5%)
【1】 Such an opportunity comes along only once in a lifetime.
【2】 Go somewhere with somebody (20.5%)
【2】 We’re going to the cinema tonight; you should come along with us!
stand out
stand out
【発音記号】stænd aʊt
【1】 Distinguish oneself/itself by being better, more significant or more impressive than other people/things (60.5%)
【1】 Excellent product quality is what made the brand stand out from its competitors.
【2】 Be easily seen or noticeable (38%)
【2】 Flashing lights make planes stand out at night.
hold on
hold on
【発音記号】hoʊld ɑn
【1】 Refuse to let go of something (57%)
【1】 He held on to his job until the very last day.
【2】 Wait for a short time (35.5%)
【2】 I’ll be quick, please hold on for one minute.
go along
go along
【発音記号】goʊ əˈlɔŋ
【1】 Progress or proceed with an activity (44%)
【1】活動の進行または進行 (44%)
【1】 You will learn as you go along.
【2】 Act in cooperation or express agreement (28%)
【2】 The Democrats are not likely to go along with the plan
【3】 Go to a place or event, esp. without much planning (15.5%)
【3】 Would you like to go along with us to the party?
go along
【句動】進行する,進めていく / 《...に》同意する ,賛成する《...と》一緒に行く,共に進む《with ...》/ (非公式に・計画しないで)行く
come about
come about
【発音記号】kʌm əˈbaʊt
【1】 Take place or happen/occur, esp. unexpectedly (81.5%)
【1】 I did not expect this to come about.
come about
《...によって》(予期せぬことが)起こる《through ...》
《...によって》(予期せぬことが)起こる《through ...》
pay off
pay off
【発音記号】peɪ ɔf
【1】 Pay the complete amount of something (49%)
【1】 It will take a dozen years for him to pay off his debts.
【2】 Pay back the effort spent in doing something by becoming profitable or effective (48.5%)
【2】 All the hard work will pay off in the end.
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