頻出句動詞150 / リスニング問題 - 未解答
break out
break out
【発音記号】breɪk aʊt
【1】 Start suddenly, esp. something undesirable and unpleasant (69.5%)
【1】 Riots broke out that night.
set down
set down
【発音記号】sɛt daʊn
【1】 Put something on a surface or on the ground (75%)
【1】表面や地面に何かを置く (75%)
【1】 He carried the bags to his room and set them down
lay out
lay out
【発音記号】leɪ aʊt
【1】 Describe or explain something clearly or in detail, esp. officially and in writing (46%)
【1】 The whole strategy was laid out in detail in a twenty-page document.
【2】 Spread something out on a flat surface, so it can be seen or used (35%)
【2】平らな面に何かを広げて、見たり使ったりできるようにする (35%)
【2】 He laid out the plates on the table
get on
get on
【発音記号】gɛt ɑn
【1】 (+ with) Continue doing something after stopping (51%)
【1】 We might as well get on with it if we want to finish on time.
【2】 Get on board some form of public transportation (train, bus, plane, elevator) (14.5%)
【2】公共交通機関(電車、バス、飛行機、エレベーター)に乗る (14.5%)
【2】 He got on the bus to go to school.
get on
(中断していたこと)を続ける《with》;すぐに行動を開始する,ぐずぐずせずにやる 《with it》 / (乗り物)に乗る / うまくやっていく, 仲良くやっていく, 気が合う / 《~ better terms with ...》...とより良い関係になる
break off
break off
【発音記号】breɪk ɔf
【1】 Separate a part (or become separate) from a larger piece (40%)
【1】 He accidentally broke off a piece of wood from the fence.
【2】 Stop speaking, especially suddenly (28%)
【2】 “There is something that…” He broke off abruptly.
【3】 Put an end to something (relationship, discussion, talks, negotiations) (24%)
【3】何かに終止符を打つ(関係、話し合い、協議、交渉) (24%)
【3】 They broke off diplomatic relations in 1986.
break off
【句動】はずれる,取れる,を折り取る,をちぎり取る / 急に話をやめる, (会話)を急にやめる / (関係・同盟・交渉など)を絶つ,を解消する,を打ち切る
急に話をやめる, (会話)を急にやめる
hold up
hold up
【発音記号】hoʊld ʌp
【1】 Hold something in a high position (e.g. above one’s waist or head), so it can be seen or reached(54%)
【1】 The professor held up the picture so everyone could see it.
【2】 Remain strong or in a fairly good condition after a bad period or the wear of time (person, business, device) (14%)
【2】悪い時期や時間の摩耗の後も、強い状態やかなり良い状態を維持している(人・事業・装置) (14%)
【2】 These are really old shoes but they’re holding up quite well.
【3】 Delay or prevent the progression of something/somebody (11.5%)
【3】 We were held up by heavy traffic.
hold up
を掲げる / (良い状態で)持ちこたえる / を遅らせる,を阻む / 強盗する
come through
come through
【発音記号】kʌm θru
【1】 Be clearly perceived, noticed or seen (feeling, emotion, quality) (20.5%)
【1】はっきりと認識されている、気づかれている、見られている(感覚、感情、質) (20.5%)
【1】 Her disappointment came through by the tone of her voice.
【2】 Reach success or a desired goal despite difficulty (20%)
【2】困難にもかかわらず、成功または希望する目標に到達する (20%)
【2】 He worked really hard, and despite some difficulties, he came through in the end.
【3】 Arrive at a destination; come into view (train, ship) (10%)
【3】 We had to wait for a ship to come through and rescue us.
come through
【句動】(感覚・考えなどが)ほかの人にわかる,伝わる / やり遂げる,成し遂げる,成功する / 通り抜ける,移動する / 《...の》力になる, 頼りになる《for ...》
《...の》力になる, 頼りになる《for ...》
shut down
shut down
【発音記号】ʃʌt daʊn
【1】 Stop (or make something stop) working or operating (machine, computer, business, premise, strategy) (94%)
【1】働きまたは動作を停止させる(またはものを停止させる)(機械、コンピュータ、ビジネス、前提、戦略) (94%)
【1】 You should shut down your computer at night to save electricity
go out
go out
【発音記号】goʊ aʊt
【1】 Leave a room, building, car, or one’s home to go to a social event.(56.5%)
【1】 We should go out for dinner sometime.
【1】今度 ご飯食べに行こうよ
【2】 (Go out and do something) Used as an intensifier, to highlight the active nature of what is being done (19.5%)
【2】 Do you think he’ll go out and buy the whole company
move up
move up
【発音記号】muv ʌp
【1】 Move to a better position; advance to a higher level/rank (47%)
【1】 She moved up from secretary to senior manager in just a few years.
【2】 Move upward, from a lower spatial location to a higher one (22.5%)
【2】 She put her hand on his shoulder and moved it up along the back of his neck.
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