頻出句動詞150 / リスニング問題 - 未解答
come about
come about
【発音記号】kʌm əˈbaʊt
【1】 Take place or happen/occur, esp. unexpectedly (81.5%)
【1】 I did not expect this to come about.
come about
《...によって》(予期せぬことが)起こる《through ...》
《...によって》(予期せぬことが)起こる《through ...》
come out
come out
【発音記号】kʌm aʊt
【1】 Leave a place (room, building, container) or appear from it.(38%)
【1】 She went into the bank and came out with some money.
【2】 Become known or revealed after being kept secret (13.5%)
【2】 The news came out that he was leaving the team.
【3】 (Come out and do something) Make public knowledge a privately held position (11.5%)
【3】 People need to come out and say what they think about it.
【4】 Become available or released to the public (film, record, book) (10%)
【4】 Their new album is coming out next month.
put in
put in
【発音記号】pʊt ɪn
【1】 Put one thing inside another; include or insert (50%)
【1】一つのものを別のものの中に入れて、含めるまたは挿入する (50%)
【1】 You need to put in your contact details in case there is a problem.
【2】 Invest or devote so as to achieve something (time, effort, work) (26.5%)
【2】 I put in ten hours a day at the office.
come over
come over
【発音記号】kʌm ˈoʊvər
【1】 Come to a place or area (spot, room, town, country), esp. towards somebody or to join somebody (95%)
【1】誰かに向かって、または誰かと一緒に来る (95%)
【1】 Could you come over and give me a hand with this?
catch up
catch up
【発音記号】kæʧ ʌp
【1】 (Be/Get caught up) Become involved in something which prevents somebody from making progress or moving forward (26%)
【1】 He is very busy and always caught up in his work.
【2】 Reach somebody that is ahead by walking, running, or driving faster (18%)
【2】 She was running so fast that it was impossible to catch up with her
【3】 Reach the same level or standard as somebody who is more advanced (14%)
【3】より高度な人と同じレベルまたは標準に達する (14%)
【3】 They made considerable improvements, which makes it hard for us to catch up.
catch up
【形】遅れの取り戻しの, 追い上げの 【句動】《通例受身/get》を巻き込む / 《...に》追いつく《with ...》,遅れを取り戻す / (より高度な人と同じレベルに)達する
【形】遅れの取り戻しの, 追い上げの 【句動】《通例受身
《...に》追いつく《with ...》,遅れを取り戻す
check out
check out
【発音記号】ʧɛk aʊt
【1】 Have a look at; examine something/somebody (esp. to get more information or make a judgement) (97%)
【1】見てみる、調べてみる (97%)
【1】 Check out our website for more information.
check out
【句動】をよく調べる,を見てみる /(図書館などから)...を借りる / (ホテルなどから)支払いをして引き払う / (レジ係が)精算する / (急いで)出発する
set off
set off
【発音記号】sɛt ɔf
【1】 Start on a trip or journey (30.5%)
【1】 We will finish packing and set off in the morning.
【2】 Cause a device to explode, or a signal to start, esp. by accident (27.5%)
【2】 He accidentally set off my car alarm.
【3】 Make something happen or emerge, esp. without intending to (25.5%)
【3】 Employees started to protest, setting off a dispute over workers’ rights.
close down
close down
【発音記号】kloʊs daʊn
【1】 Stop operating or functioning (87%)
【1】動作または機能しなくなる (87%)
【1】 Non-profitable companies were closed down.
pull back
pull back
【発音記号】pʊl bæk
【1】 Move backwards or make somebody/something move backwards (66.5%)
【1】 She pulled back the hair from her face.
【2】 Withdraw or retreat from an activity or location, esp. military (31%)
【2】活動や場所からの撤退・後退 (31%)
【2】 The army was forced to pull back due to bad weather.
turn off
turn off
【発音記号】tɜrn ɔf
【1】 Stop a piece of equipment working temporarily or a supply flowing by turning a tap, pressing a button, or moving a switch (69.5%)
【1】 People were asked to turn off their phones.
【2】 Cause to feel intense dislike (20.5%)
【2】 His speech turned off left-wing voters.
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