頻出句動詞150 / リスニング問題 - 未解答
step back
step back
【発音記号】stɛp bæk
【1】 Move back by lifting one’s foot and putting it down backwards (72%)
【1】 He stepped back when the big man threatened him.
【2】 Stop being involved in something so as to consider it more carefully/objectively (22.5%)
【2】 We need to step back and take a broader perspective on the past events.
put off
put off
【発音記号】pʊt ɔf
【1】 Delay until a later time or date (68%)
【1】後日まで遅れる (68%)
【1】 Now that I had more free time, there was no excuse to put off exercising any longer.
【2】 Cause to feel intense dislike (27.5%)
【2】 The bad smell put everyone off.
give back
give back
【発音記号】gɪv bæk
【1】 Return something to its original owner/provider (100%)
【1】何かを元の所有者/提供者に戻す (100%)
【1】 It’s nice to be able to give back to the community.
come up
come up
【発音記号】kʌm ʌp
【1】 (+ with) Bring forth or produce (34%)
【1】(+with)提出する、または産み出す (34%)
【1】 She instantly came up with a solution to the problem.
【2】 (Be coming up) Be happening soon (esp. be broadcast soon) (27.5%)
【2】 Coming up after the news, our cooking program will feature cheese.
go down
go down
【発音記号】goʊ daʊn
【1】 Move down to a lower level or position (29%)
【1】より低いレベルやポジションへの移動する (29%)
【1】 After hitting the iceberg, the ship began to go down.
【2】 Decrease in value or amount (27%)
【2】 I don’t think prices will go down.
【3】 Go from one place to another, esp. one that is further south or underneath (18%)
【3】 We went down to Australia last year.
go through
go through
【発音記号】goʊ θru
【1】 Experience something difficult or unpleasant (61%)
【1】 You have to understand the tough situation she went through before judging her.
【2】 Be officially accepted or approved (10%)
【2】 I hope the tax cut goes through next year.
go through
(困難・悪いこと)を経験する / (正式に)承諾される,(公式に議会を)通過する
pay off
pay off
【発音記号】peɪ ɔf
【1】 Pay the complete amount of something (49%)
【1】 It will take a dozen years for him to pay off his debts.
【2】 Pay back the effort spent in doing something by becoming profitable or effective (48.5%)
【2】 All the hard work will pay off in the end.
turn around
turn around
【発音記号】tɜrn əˈraʊnd
【1】 Move so as to face in the opposite direction (67.5%)
【1】 She turned around and walked out the door.
【2】 Make something become better or more successful than it previously was (economy, business) (24.5%)
【2】何かを以前よりも良くしたり、成功させたりする(経済・ビジネス) (24.5%)
【2】 People have stopped believing the President could turn around the economy.
find out
find out
【発音記号】faɪnd aʊt
【1】 Discover something; obtain knowledge of something.(100%)
【1】 We need to find out who did this to her.
【1】誰が彼女にこんなことをしたのか 突き止める必要があります
bring in
bring in
【発音記号】brɪŋ ɪn
【1】 Bring something to a place or situation (52%)
【1】場所や状況に何かを持ってくる (52%)
【1】 I brought in my laptop computer today because my office computer is broken.
【2】 Ask somebody to do a particular job or task (30.5%)
【2】 He had been brought in to save the company.
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