検索結果- ベトナム語 - 英語
nước mắm
A light brown, watery fish sauce used in Vietnamese cookery. / A mixture of this sauce with water, lemon juice, sugar, and various seasonings such as garlic and black pepper.
mắm muối
(literally) fish sauce and salt / (by extension) condiments / (figurative) spice (attribute that makes something appealing, interesting, or engaging)
thêm mắm thêm muối
(literally) to add nước mắm and/or salt / (figurative, idiomatic) to add flair or pizzazz and make more interesting or attractive; to embellish, embroider
bún đậu mắm tôm
a noodle dish from Northern Vietnam consisting of rice vermicelli, fried tofu and fermented shrimp paste topped with a variety of ingredients such as spring rolls, boiled pork, sausages, and fresh herbs and vegetables