検索結果- フランス語 - 英語
(indirect transitive; object marked with preposition de) to lack, to be lacking in / (intransitive; with indirect object represented by personal pronoun or marked with preposition à); Used as English uses to miss (to feel a sadness caused by the absence of something, distance from a place, and longing to reunite therewith) more literally meaning "to be missed by" / (intransitive; with indirect object represented by personal pronoun or marked with preposition à); to be missing or lacking to / (intransitive; with indirect object represented by personal pronoun or marked with preposition à); to miss out / (transitive) to miss, to fail
ne pas manquer d'air
(informal) to behave in a haughty, insolent, impudent, cheeky, cocky manner; to have some gall, nerve, cheek, etc.
ne pas manquer de sel
(figuratively) not to be lacking in spice, not to be without a certain piquancy, not to lack punch, not to be boring; to be interesting; to be witty; to be surprising; to be a bit rich, to be a bit cheeky