検索結果- ベトナム語 - 英語
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(idiomatic) to cleverly point out something infelicitous in advance so that the listener will be understanding when it occurs and find it difficult to fault the speaker; to be careful with one's words; to be on the defensive
(transitive, intransitive) to shut tight; compare khép (“to close, leaving ajar, but not shutting”) / (transitive) to drive (a nail, stake) / (intransitive) to congeal, solidify (grease, water, blood) / (transitive) to pack (wine, flour, goods in a container) / (transitive) to appear in, star in, play a role in (a play, movie, show) / (transitive) to post, pay, submit (tuition, bond, taxes, bail) / (transitive) to assemble (a table, shoe, ship, book) / (transitive) to wear tightly, fasten to oneself (a loincloth, harness, yoke) / (transitive) to affix (a seal) / (transitive or intransitive, military) to station; to be stationed / (transitive, dated) to achieve a specific military rank